Running Fabber

Specifying options

The simplest way to run Fabber is as a command line program. It uses the following syntax for options:


A simple example command line would be:

fabber --data=fmri_volume.nii.gz --mask=roi.nii.gz \
       --model=poly --degree=2 \
       --method=vb --noise=white \
       --output=out --save-model-fit \

Common options

 Directory for output files (including logfile)
 Use this inference method
--model=MODEL Use this forward model
 Specify a single input data file
 Mask file. Inference will only be performed where mask value > 0
--optfile File containing additional options, one per line, in the same form as specified on the command line
--overwrite If set will overwrite existing output. If not set, new output directories will be created by appending ‘+’ to the directory name
--suppdata ‘Supplemental’ timeseries data, required for some models

Selecting what data to output

 Output the model prediction as a 4d volume
 Output the residuals (difference between the data and the model prediction)
 Output any additional model-specific timeseries data
--save-mvn Output the final MVN distributions.
--save-mean Output the parameter means.
--save-std Output the parameter standard deviations.
--save-zstat Output the parameter Zstats.
 Output the noise means. The noise distribution inferred is the precision of a Gaussian noise source
 Output the noise standard deviations.
 Output the free energy, if calculated.

Help and usage information

--help Print this usage method. If given with –method or –model, display relevant method/model usage information
--version Print version identifier. If given with –model will print the model’s version identifier
--listmethods List all known inference methods
--listmodels List all known forward models
--listparams List model parameters (requires model configuration options to be given)
--listoutputs List additional model outputs (requires model configuration options to be given)

Advanced options

 Instead of usual standard output, simply output series of lines each giving progress as percentage
--data1=DATAFILE, --data2=DATAFILE
 Specify multiple data files for n=1, 2, 3…
--data-order If multiple data files are specified, how they will be handled: concatenate = one after the other, interleave = first record from each file, then second, etc.
--mt1=INDEX, --mt2=INDEX
 List of masked time points, indexed from 1. These will be ignored in the parameter updates
--debug Output large amounts of debug information. ONLY USE WITH VERY SMALL NUMBERS OF VOXELS
 Try to create a link to the most recent output directory with the prefix _latest
--loadmodels Load models dynamically from the specified filename, which should be a DLL/shared library

Variational Bayes options (used when method=vb)

--noise=NOISE Noise model to use (white or ar1)
 Name of method for detecting convergence - default maxits, other values are fchange, trialmode
 number of iterations of VB to use with the maxits convergence detector
 When using the fchange convergence detector, the change in F to stop at
 When using the trial mode convergence detector, the maximum number of trials after an initial reduction in F
 Output the free energy in the log file
 Continue previous run from output MVN files
--output-only Skip model fitting, just output requested data based on supplied MVN. Can only be used with continue-from-mvn
 MVN of initial noise prior
 MVN of initial noise posterior
 repeating pattern of noise variances for each point (e.g. 12 gives odd and even data points different variances)
--PSP_byname1=PARAMNAME, --PSP_byname2=PARAMNAME
 Name of model parameter to use for prior specification 1, 2, 3…
 Type of prior to use for parameter 1 - I=image prior
 File containing image for image prior for parameter 1
 Precision to apply to image prior for parameter 1
 Transform to apply to parameter 1
 Continue if numerical error found in a voxel, rather than stopping
 For AR1 noise, type of cross-linking (dual, same or none)
 Number of spatial dimensions (1, 2 or 3). Default is 3.
 Restrict speed of spatial smoothing
 Type of spatial priors for each parameter, as a sequence of characters. N=nonspatial, M=Markov random field, P=Penny, A=ARD
 MVN file containing fixed centres for linearization

Model-specific options

These are usually quite extensive and control the fine details of the model that is being implemented. For example the generic ASL model will need to be told the TIs/PLDs of the sequence, the number of repeats, the structure of the data, bolus duration and what components to include in the model (arterial as well as tissue, dispersion and exchange options, …).

The best way to look at model options is to use --help, e.g.:

fabber_asl --help --model=aslrest