Getting Fabber

From FSL

Fabber is distributed as part of FSL, and this is the easiest way to get Fabber if you want to use existing models for fMRI data . This documentation describes the version of Fabber included with FSL v6.0.1 and above.

Addition tools that can use Fabber will work with a correctly installed FSL distribution although currently not all models we have developed are available in FSL.

Standalone Fabber distribution

Standalone versions of Fabber including a selection of model libraries are available for a number of platforms. These may be useful if you don’t want the rest of FSL or if you need a more up to date version of Fabber than the one included with FSL.

The current standalone release can be found at

The standalone release can be used with tools requiring a Fabber installation such as the Python API, or Fabber-based plugins for Quantiphyse. You should set the environment variable FABBERDIR to the unpacked distribution directory to ensure these tools can find Fabber. Note that some Quantiphyse plugins require a full FSL installation, notably the ASL plugin.

Building from source code

You can build Fabber from the source code available in the Github repository. You will need an FSL installation for this. For instructions see Building Fabber.